Main Venue, Viera, Florida
Game start: 11:00 local time (rescheduled from 09:00)

After the Dutch and Chinese Taipei’s National Anthems, the game starts with the Dutch leading off. An easy to field groundball, hit by leadoff-hitter Winke Verdick meant that Chinese Taipei could make the first out at first. The Dutch were able to fill up the bases, after two singles and an error, but were unable to bring in any runs.

Starting off for the Dutch was pitcher Lisa Bergwerff, the last few games, the Dutch pitcher had trouble to get into the zone from the get-go. Bergwerff ended the bad streak by striking out the first batter she faced. Two easy outs could be made, as one grounded out and the other got caught by the outfield.

In the second inning, the Dutch were able to get runners on base. As one walked and Jessica Kroeskop brought the runner on first to second on a hit. Alas, that was it for the Dutch in the second inning. A strike-out, a catch in the outfield and a fielder’s choice concluded the Dutch’s at bat.

Chinese Taipei was able to take possession of this inning. An error made by first basewomen Jessica Kroeskop, followed by a triple from Chia-Hui Yang allowed Chinese Taipei to bring in the first run of the game. A single, a sacrifice fly and a throwing error was all that the Chinese Taipei needed in order to bring in another four runs. At this point Chinese Taipei was able to take the lead with a five point difference.

In the third inning Chinese Taipei started with a new pitcher. The right handed Yi-Hsuan Chou got an easy out on a ground ball to short, for the first out of the inning. Famke Gildemacher hit a hard grounder to the left side of the field for a hit. Nadja Roelofsen followed with a base-hit to right field. Regrettably she was forced out in a fielder’s choice situation (8-4). Chinese Taipei got out of the inning scat free with a catch by first base-women Yu-Chuan Tu.

Nadja Roelofsen down at second base after being forced out (8-4).

Pitcher Bergwerff started the bottom of the third walking the first batter, before being taken out of the game in favor of Merle Langevoord. The runner at first, Yu-Chaun Tu stole second and reached third on a sacrifice fly to centerfield. A simple grounder, hit for a single assured another run for Chinese Taipei, just before the Dutch were able to make the third out.

The Netherlands was able to score their first run of the game in the fourth. Bianca Mooi was leading off for the Dutch, she reached first on an infield hit. Jessica Kroeskop followed with a base hit to center field and walk allowed the Netherlands to occupy all bases. Mooi was able to score when Esther Maliepaard got hit on the backside of her arm. The first out of the inning was at home plate, when Kroeskop got tagged at the plate on a wild pitch (2-1). Chinese Taipei ended the inning in style, as they turned a double play over home to first.

Bianca Mooi returns Ya-Ling Tsai cap prior to scoring the Dutch’s first run.

The bottom half of the fourth was rough for the Netherlands. Pitcher Merle Langevoord had to allow a bunt by lead-off Shih-Mei Shu. Shu then went on to steal second, a walk and a base hit later, Langevoord was changed for left-handed pitcher Ciska Welboren. The lefty started her outing with two outs and threw four balls for a walk. Via a double-steal Chinese Taipei was able to get two runners into scoring position and a hit single brought in another run for Chinese Taipei. Another single followed by a bad throw on an attempted pickoff was all Chinese Taipei needed to score two more runs. Bringing the score to a comfortable 9 run gap in favor of Chinese Taipei.

Although the Dutch were able to get two women on base, they were unable to score any. Lotte Tanke got on base via a single to the right side of the field. Bianca Mooi reached first on an error and Tanke was able to move to third. Chinese Taipei struck out Dutch batter, Jessica Kroeskop for the third out of the fifth.

In the fifth all Chinese Taipei needed was one run to clinch the win over the Netherlands. They reached first on a walk, a hit by pitch moved the runner to second, and Ya-Ling Tsai hit a double into right field to finish the game. Chinese Taipei took the game, score 1-11.


               1 2 3 4 5  R H E
NETHERLANDS      0 0 0 1 0  1 8 3
CHINESE TAIPEI 0 5 1 4 1 11 7 2

Win: Chiao-Chi Lai
Loss: Lisa Bergwerff

Pitchers Netherlands
Lisa Bergwerff (2 innings)
Merle Langevoord (1 2/3 inning)
Ciska Welboren (1/3+2 inning)

Pitchers Chinese Taipei
Chiao-Chi Lai (2 innings)
Yi-Hsuan Chou (1 inning)
Ching-Wen Hu (2 innings)


The entire photo-album for this game can be found at the link below: