Venue II, Viera, Florida
Game start: 09:00 local time

Cuba started with pitcher Maraisy Perez on the mound. Perez threw a ball in lead-off Esther Maliepaard’s back, for a hit-by-pitch. Perez needed an additional three batters to get out of the inning. Winke Verdick struck out, Famke Gildemacher and Jessica Kroeskop both got caught out.

Pitcher Maud Werkman started for the Netherlands, she started the game in a similar fashion as Cuba did. Yamisleidy Perez took a ball to the body in order to get on first base. Werkman was able to recuperate from this, but had to give up a run nonetheless. Cuba was able to bring in the first run on a sacrifice fly towards the Netherlands’ left fielder Winke Verdick.

The second inning was a piece of cake for the Cuban defense. They got out of the inning quick, after they amassed three outs on three batters. Nadja Roelofsen, Issebelle Markies and Sofie van de Wiel all got caught out on fly-outs.

In the bottom of the second, Cuba was able to get another run in. The Cuban team was aggressively strong and could score on a double over leftfield, by Katherine Fals. Other than that, Werkman only allowed one more single during the second inning.

Maliepaard was the only player from the Dutch team to reach base during the third. She hit a ball for a single towards the right side of the field. Bianca Mooi, Marije Filius and Verdick all had an at bat, but two fly-outs and a groundout was all she [Perez] needed for this inning.

Cuba was able take advantage of generated chances in the third. Cuba was able to score an addition two runs one of which was scored on a grounder. Eleyenni Estupiñan was walked, was brought over to second base on a single and a passed ball allowed her to move to third. Estupiñan scored Cuba’s second run of the inning whilst the Dutch made their second out of the inning.

In the next turn for the Netherlands, Gildemacher began the inning with a strike-out swinging. Seconds later the weather alarm sounded, delaying the game for roughly 40 minutes. When the field-ban was lifted, and the thunderstorm passed, Kroeskop opened for the Netherlands. She was caught out in foul territory by Cuba’s first basewomen.
The only players to get on base were Roelofsen and Markies, as they both got on base via a hit. However, both were left on base as the Netherlands failed to bring them in.

Maud Werkman fighting off Cuba’s offensive power.

Werkman still continued pitching, and displayed that she was a force to be reckoned with. As she was able to bring Cuba’s offensive power to a standstill. Two easy grounders for an out and a fielder’s choice was all that was needed to get out of the inning.

The first run for the Netherlands came in the fifth. Lead-off batter Mooi, hit a deep fly-ball into center field for a double. Marije Filius followed with a single, allowing Mooi to take third. A grounder to short stop by Verdick was enough to take Mooi home for the Netherlands first run. Gildemacher ended the inning with a fly-ball towards the center fielder for an out.

In the bottom half of the fifth Werkman showed great control, as she struck out the first two Cuban batters. Sadly she was not able to follow through as she then allowed two singles, a walk. An error marked the end of Werkman’s game. Berber Jansen took over and could end the fifth with a run-down. During the fifth, Cuba was able to add another five runs to their score, taking the score to 1-9.

The Netherlands had no answer for Maraisy Perez’ pitching. She got two quick outs before drilling Markies in the back. Ultimately this worked in Cuba’s favor, as they were able to get the out on second via a fielder’s choice.

Marije Filius catching a fly-ball in right field.

Berber Jansen allowed two hits in the sixth, extending Cuba’s score to ten. The Netherlands were able to get out of the inning without any further damage. A fly-out to right-fielder Filius and a grounder to short stop (6-3) meant the end of the inning.

The seventh was easy to conclude. Three up, three down. Mooi, Filius and Maliepaard were unable to get on base, marking an end to the second game in the consolation round.

Box score:

          1 2 3 4 5 6 7  R H E
NEDERLAND 0 0 0 1 0 0 0  1 5 4
CUBA      1 1 2 0 5 1 X 10 8 0

Win: Maraisy Perez
Loss: Maud Werkman

Pitchers Nederland:
Maud Werkman (4 2/3 inning)
Berber Jansen (1 1/3 inning)

Pitchers Cuba:
Maraisy Perez (7 inningen)


To view the full photo-album of today’s game follow the link below: