Venue II, Viera, Florida
Game start: 13:00 local time

The Netherlands was able to get on base fairly quick on Australia’s pitcher Kaila Borgomastro. A base on ball for Esther Maliepaard and a ball in centerfield for a base-hit was enough to get two runners on base. A double-steal by Maliepaard and Gildemacher was all that was needed to get two runners into scorings-position. Jessica Kroeskop was walked in order to load the bases. Australia got out of the inning with a double-play, made by the third basewomen, leaving the Dutch without a run scored.

In the bottom half of the first, the Dutch were not able to keep Australia at bay. Two base on balls and a ground-rule double in center field was all Australia needed to score the first run of the game. Another base-hit through the center of the field was enough to bring in an additional two runs for the home team.

Isabelle Markies started the second inning at but, however, she was caught out in left field. Lotte Tanke was the first Dutch baserunner of the inning, as she reached first on a walk. Unfortunately for the Netherlands, she was caught stealing as she was thrown out at second by the catcher. Australia was able to get the third out of the inning, grounding out Marije Filius (5-3). Leaving the Netherlands again without any runs.

Australia scores its sixth run of the game.

The bottom of the second, Australia proved to be quite adept at scoring. Four hits, three walks and two pitching changes could not bring Australia to a halt. Despite the fact that Maaike Haak was able to get out of the inning pretty well, Australia had already taken a large lead.

Australia did not encounter much trouble in the top of the third. As they needed relatively little effort in order to make three outs in the inning. Famke Gildemacher was the only Dutch player to reach base on a ball hit to the left side of the field for a hit.

Pitcher Merle Langevoord hurls a curve towards home plate.

Maaike Haak started the inning on the mound for the Netherlands. She drilled one in the back for a hit-by-pitch. Two base-hits, a triple, and a walk concluded Haak’s outing. She was replaced by right-handed pitcher Merle Langevoord. She started pitching with only one down, and got out of the inning rather quickly. However, the Netherlands had given up another three runs in the inning.

Morgan Doty started the fourth for Australia, in a one-two-three fashion, Doty made short work of the Dutch offense, leaving the Dutch with another zero.

Pitcher Langevoord faced 12 batters in the bottom of the fourth. These batters were good for another four hits, two doubles, and six runs during the Australian turn.

Isabelle Markies throwing a hard ball to first base for the out.

Morgan Doty (AUS) got back on the mound in the fifth. Batter Marije Filius got on base due to an error by short, after which Winke Verdick took a ball on the body. Esther Maliepaard grounded to third, she reached first because of a fielder’s choice, marking Filius the out at second base. Australia was able to wrap up the game, by catching the ball hit to right field by Gildemacher. Australia took the win, shutting out the Netherlands, 0-18.

Box score:

          1 2 3 4 5  R  H E
NEDERLAND 0 0 0 0 0  0  2 2
AUSTRALIË 3 6 3 6 X 18 15 1

Win: Kaila Borgomastro
Loss: Anouk Vergunst

Pitchers Netherlands:
Anouk Vergunst (1 1/3 inning)
Marijke van Veen (4 batters)
Maaike Haak (1 inning)
Merle Langevoord (1 2/3 inning)

Pitchers Australia:
Kaila Borgomastro (3 inningen)
Morgan Doty (2 inningen)

The full photo-album for the game can be found at the link below: